Compound Processing in a Compositional Perspective
The Effect of Morphological Factors on the Written Production of Turkish Compounds
Production of noun-noun compounds in young and older healthy speakers: An ERP-study
Interpreting novel compounds in and out of context
Working with words: Merging Information and Learning Theories to Model Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Effects in Word Processing
The role of prediction error in linguistic generalization and item-learning
The emergence of morphological structure from a continuous signal on the basis of error-driven learning
Surface and base frequency effects in the processing of Russian noun forms
Morphological variability in linguistic generalization: The Turkish aorist
Natural Processing across Word Classes: Beyond Dual-Route and Single Mechanism
Investigating morphological processing using the MALD database, a megastudy of auditory lexical decision.
What is the difference between *boys* and *boys’*? The phonetics of plural vs. genitive-plural in English
Recognizing Words Before the Uniqueness Point: Role of Frequency, Neighborhood Density and the Root Morpheme in Auditory Word Recognition in Hebrew
Modelling English stress assignment from orthography with Naıve Discriminative Learning: Morphological and Structural Effects
Using ultrasound imaging to trace the effect of frequency on the articulation of the stems of inflected words.
Morphological awareness and morphological processing in high-school students with dyslexia are associated with successful reading comprehension.
Morphological skills of 8-to-10-year old Finnish children with DLD
Novel word production in a complex inflectional language: Older adults with or without dementia
Reading aloud prefixed words in acquired morphological disorders
Evidence from masked priming shows processing differences between real and pseudo morphology
Evidence for early morpho-orthographic decomposition in Modern Greek derivational morphology
Modeling morphological priming in German with naive discriminative learning
Factors affecting the decay of stem-final consonant mutations: Ukrainian vs. Russian
The age of acquisition effect in the processing of Russian inflectional morphology
Homophony in case forms processing: a self-paced reading study with reference to Russian
Word knowledge as a new metric tool for visual word processing
Processing of Conversion as a ‘Non-Finite` Category and the Role of Capitalization as a Noun Cue in L1 & L2 German
The role of morphemes in processing novel derivations: It’s a matter of experience
Fine phonetic cues of morphological categories in verbal stems -- a perception study
Lexical storage and morphological segmentability effects on the production of English derivatives
The role of affixes in the visual identification of words and nonwords.
The representation and processing of noun-noun compounds in speech production: Evidence from cumulative semantic interference
Gradient Effects in Morphological Processing as Revealed by Keystroke Timing in a Type-To-Copy Task
Paradigmatic effects in speech production: Do bare stems influence the pronunciation of suffixed forms?
The distributed red hen lab: morphology meets multimedia
Implicative relations in analogical change and morphological theory
Key dimensions of morphology
The role of diachrony and the importance of patterns for morphological theory
Cases in context: Evidence for declension classes from reading
Morphological superstates and the written production of words
Compound words in Mandarin Chinese and English: the role of information theory
Semantic transparency in Technicolor: image-based distributional models and the impact of perceptual information in compound processing
(November 7th) Fürstenzimmer, Schloss Hohentübingen Burgsteige 11, Tübingen
Restaurant Ludwigs Uhlandstraße 1, Tübingen
(November 5th at 06:00pm) Festscheune - Landgut Kemmler Hauptstraße 20, Wankheim (conference bus leaving from the bus station Tübingen at 05:30pm)
Universität Tübingen
Modeling of morphological processing with Linear Discriminative Learning using the WpmWithLdl R package
break: 10.30 - 11.00
University of Alberta
Deep learning and wide learning of the comprehension of morphologically complex words: from audio signal to semantics.
lunch break: 13.00 - 14.00
University of Tuebingen
Deep learning and wide learning of the comprehension of morphologically complex words: from audio signal to semantics.
break: 15.30 - 16.00
University of Tuebingen
Introduction to statistical analysis with PAMM (piece-wise exponential mixed generalized additive models, a combination of survival analysis and generalized additive modeling) and QGAM (quantile regression with generalized additive models).