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           Website von R. Harald Baayen

          Professor für Quantitative Linguistik



A. Proseminare

Kurse, die derzeit regelmäßig unterrichtet werden

Linguistics for Cognitive Science, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany (2011 – bis jetzt).
Mathematics for Linguistics: Statistics, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany (2012 – bis jetzt).

Andere Kurse, die vorher unterrichtet wurden
Introduction to Linguistics, Ling 102, University of Alberta, Canada (2011).
Introduction to Human language, Ling 100, University of Alberta, Canada.
Language and evolution, Ling 499, University of Alberta, Canada (2009).
Morphology, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. (2004)
Introduction to General Linguistics, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (1987).
Practical Phonetics, Summer Institute of Linguistics, High Wycombe, UK (1980).

B. Hauptseminare

Kurse, die derzeit regelmäßig unterrichtet werden

Introduction to Cognitive Models of Language Processing, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany (2011 – bis jetzt).
Regression Modeling Strategies for the Analysis of Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Data, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany (2012 – bis jetzt).

Andere Kurse, die vorher unterrichtet wurden
Causality in Language, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany (2012).
Quantitative methods, Ling 603, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2011).
Morphology, Ling 608, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2010).
Experimental Methods in Linguistics, Experimental Methods in Linguisticsl, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK (2010).
Computational Modeling, Ling 608, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2009).
Corpus Linguistics, Ling 619, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2008).
Methods in experimental psycholinguistics, Ling 615, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2008).
Statistical Methods, Ling 683, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2007).
Experimental Morphology, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2006).
Linguistic Data, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2006).
Field Methods, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (1989).
Translation Theory, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (1988).
Language Typology, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (1987).
Syntax, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (1985).

C. Postgraduiertenkurse

An introduction to data analysis with the generalized additive model, DFG Research Training Group “Statistical Modeling in Psychology” (SMiP), University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany (together with Chuang, Y. Y., and Hendrix, P., 2021 (virtual)).
An introduction to vector space morphology and morphological processing using linear discriminative learning (LDL), Virtual Spring Training in Experimental Psycholinguistics school (STEP2021), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (together with Chuang, Y. Y., Luo, X., Heitmeier, M., and Shafaei-Bajestan, E., 2021).
An introduction to data analysis with the generalized additive model, Virtual Spring Training in Experimental Psycholinguistics school (STEP2021), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (together with Chuang, Y. Y., and Hendrix, P., 2021).
Statistics and computational modeling, Virtual Master Class in Quantitative Linguistics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia (together with Chuang, Y. Y., 2020).
Modeling lexical processing with Linear Discriminative Learning: A practical introduction to computational Word and Paradigm Morphology with the WpmWithLdl R package, Spring Training in Experimental Psycholinguistics school (STEP@CCP 2019), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (together with Chuang, Y. Y., 2019).
The WpmWithLdl package for R: A tutorial introduction to modeling with linear discriminative learning, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics workshop, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (together with Chuang, Y. Y., 2019).
Computational modeling of lexical processing with naive discriminative learning, 12th Summer School of Linguistics (SSoL 2018), Charles University, Kroměříž, Czech Republic (2018).
Computational modeling of lexical processing with naive discriminative learning, Spring Training in Experimental Psycholinguistics school (STEP@CCP 2018), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2018).
Statistik für LinguistInnen, Statistische Linguistik, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (2017).
Hierarchical Linear Models - Regression Modeling Strategies for the Analysis of Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Data, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS), University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany (2017).
Workshop On Random Effect Structures In The Modelling Of Language Data, taught with Arief Gusnanto, Language@Leeds, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom (2017).
Implicit Grammar: a discriminative perspective on language and language processing, Spring Training in Experimental Psycholinguistics school (STEP@CCP 2017), University of Alberta (lifesize video conference), Edmonton, Canada (2017).
Analysing Language Data: Thinking like a Quantitative Linguist, Interdisciplinary College (IK2017), Heinrich-Lübke-Haus, Günne, Germany (2017).
An introduction to Generalized Additive Mixed Models, 16th Speech Science and Technology Conference (SST2016) Tutorial Day, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia (2016).
Workshop Statistics in linguistic research, Institut für Romanistik, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (2016).
Workshop: Korpora und statistische Methoden, Im Rahmen des Oberseminars "Aktuelle Themen der Romanischen Sprachwissenschaft", Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany (2016).
Masterclass: "GAMMs", HRI Visiting European Fellow Programme, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK (2016).
Implicit Grammar, Spring Training in Experimental Psycholinguistics school, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2016).
Naive discriminative learning (NDL) and vector semantics, First International Quan- titative Morphology Meeting (IQMM1) Tutorials, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia (2015).
Naive discriminative learning, Spring Training in Experimental Psycholinguistics school, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2015).
Naive discriminative learning, Autumn school Methods in Language Comprehension, University of Trento, Rovereto, Italy (2014).
Networds summer school Words: structure, meaning, acquisition, processing, University of Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway (2014).
An introduction to statistical analysis with R, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia (212).
Introduction to statistical modeling with R, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK (2012).
An introduction to statistical analysis with R, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. (2006)
Storage and computation in the mental lexicon: an exemplar-based approach, Summer school of the Linguistic Society of America, Massachusets Institute for Technology, Cambridge MA., USA (2005).
Soft computing: An introduction to R as a statistical programming environment for the analysis of quantitative linguistic data, Graduate School of Language Technology in Finland, Helsinki, Finland (2004).
On the teaching staff and external lecturer, Fourth annual research meeting: Esrc and Dfg joint summer school in computational linguistics and psycholinguistics, Edinburgh, UK (2004).
Morphology in the Mental Lexicon, Lot summer school, Utrecht, the Netherlands (2001).
Morphology in the Mental Lexicon, NorFA summer school, languages, minds, and brains, Mekrijärvi, Finland (1998).
Lexical Statistics, Lot Winter school, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (1997).
Morphology and the Mental Lexicon, Elsnet summer school, Leuven, Belgium (1997).
Introduction to lexical statistics, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland (1994).
The Mental Lexicon, Dutch linguistic society summer school, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (1992).
Productivity, Groningen graduate school, Groningen, the Netherlands (1991).